11 Ways BFF Relationships Have Changed From The ’90s Versus Today

Best friends have always been like family. They’re the ones who understand our quirks, make us laugh until we cry, and stick by us through thick and thin. Back in the ’90s, BFFs were your partners-in-crime for sleepovers, marathon phone calls, and matching outfits. While the essence of BFF relationships hasn’t changed, the ways we experience them have certainly evolved. Let’s dive into 11 ways BFF relationships have shifted from the ’90s to today.

1. BFF Fights

In the ’90s: Arguments with your BFF usually revolved around small things, like not feeding your friend’s Tamagotchi while they were away or forgetting to return a borrowed CD. These tiffs felt monumental but were quickly forgiven.
Today: Fights have shifted to passive-aggressive tactics. Instead of face-to-face arguments, disagreements often play out online through cold shoulders, snarky comments, or even the silent treatment via ignored Instagram stories. The medium may have changed, but the effects remain strong.

2. Making Up After Arguments

In the ’90s: Apologies were handwritten notes decorated with doodles and topped off with a heartfelt “LYLAS” (Love You Like a Sister). These notes were symbols of reconciliation and renewed friendship.
Today: Peace offerings often come in the form of a fancy coffee from Starbucks. A selfie together on social media signals that all is forgiven, with the influx of likes confirming the rekindling of the bond. The handwritten notes may have been swapped for digital smiles, but the feeling of relief is the same.

3. Friday Night Fun

In the ’90s: Friday nights meant a trip to the mall with your BFF. You’d try on glittery accessories, grab pretzels, and maybe even sneak into an R-rated movie.
Today: Nights out have been replaced by cozy nights in. Now, BFFs prefer binge-watching Netflix series, sharing wine, and enjoying takeout. Whether it’s at the mall or on the couch, Friday nights with your BFF are still the highlight of the week.

4. Playing the Wingwoman

In the ’90s: You relied on a cootie catcher—a folded paper fortune teller—to reveal your crush’s feelings. Your BFF then worked her magic, staging “chance” encounters in the school hallway.
Today: Digital sleuthing is the new wingwoman strategy. Armed with just a name and a few details, your BFF can find anyone’s social media profiles in minutes. From cootie catchers to Facebook stalking, the ultimate wingwoman role remains intact.

5. Squad Goals

In the ’90s: Forming a squad meant finding friends who matched the Spice Girls’ vibe—Posh, Scary, Sporty, or Baby. The squad was everything.
Today: You don’t need a full squad to feel complete. Just one loyal BFF is enough to break into a “Single Ladies” dance routine, even if it’s in your pajamas.

6. Gossip Sessions

In the ’90s: Gossip revolved around school drama—like who wore the same scrunchie or who got the last piece of candy in the cafeteria. The juicier, the better.
Today: BFFs gossip about everything from spoilers of binge-worthy shows to cryptic tweets. Social media adds a new twist to classic gossip sessions.

7. Handling Heartbreak

In the ’90s: Getting over heartbreak meant indulging in Cosmic Brownies or Dunkaroos provided by your BFF. Simple yet effective.
Today: Heartbreak therapy now involves a full spa day, a bottle of wine, and a night out with friends. Regardless of the approach, BFFs remain the ultimate heartbreak healers.

8. Staying Connected

In the ’90s: Staying in touch meant calling each other’s landlines or leaving handwritten notes. It often required awkward conversations with parents who answered the phone first.
Today: Communication is all digital. BFFs exchange texts, voice notes, and emojis. Video calls replace sleepovers, while TikTok duets keep the laughter going.

9. Getting Into Mischief

In the ’90s: Mischief with your BFF meant prank calls, toilet-papering neighbors’ trees, or playing Ding Dong Ditch.
Today: Mischief is now a bit more mature. If your BFF is a coworker, it might mean sneaking out for extended lunch breaks or sharing jokes during meetings.

10. Defending Each Other

In the ’90s: Playground confrontations were met head-on. BFFs either defended each other loudly or ran to parents for backup.
Today: Confrontation has shifted to social media. If haters appear, your BFF simply posts epic photos of you two having fun—no need for direct words.

11. Showing Off the Bond

In the ’90s: Friendship bracelets were the ultimate sign of BFF love. Hours were spent braiding the perfect design.
Today: BFFs up the ante with matching tattoos, shared Instagram bios, or playful relationship status updates on Facebook.

Conclusion: Friendship Then and Now—Same Love, Different Times

While the way we interact with BFFs has evolved over time, the essence of the bond remains unchanged. From digital pets and mall trips in the ’90s to Starbucks selfies and Netflix marathons today, BFFs still make life sweeter. No matter the decade, the love shared between best friends is truly timeless. Cheers to the BFFs who’ve seen us through it all!

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