Woman sends list of rules to wedding guests – soon a lot of them start cancelling

All brides aspire to have the perfect wedding day. While some aspects like attire, location, and catering can be controlled, ensuring everything goes as planned is not always possible. This bride knew exactly how she wanted her wedding day to unfold but quickly learned that not everyone shared her vision. Read on to find out more.

The Bride’s Predicament

Seeking Validation

A soon-to-be bride posted a question on Reddit’s “Am I The Asshole” forum, asking if she was being unreasonable. She shared her dilemma about how she and her fiancé’s list of wedding rules led to a wave of guest cancellations.

Joint Decision

Before listing the rules, she clarified that her fiancé had equally contributed to them and fully supported them, dispelling any notion that she was a “bridezilla” enforcing them alone.

The Controversial Rules

Unplugged Ceremony and Reception

The couple desired an “unplugged” ceremony. Guests were not allowed to have phones during the ceremony or the meal that followed unless there was a “huge” emergency. While some guests accepted the no-phone rule for the ceremony, many felt the prohibition during dinner was excessive.

Parental Concerns

Some parents expressed concerns about needing to check on their kids. The bride insisted that checking in on children did not constitute an emergency. “You’ll know if something significant occurs,” she stated, dismissing their concerns.

Strict Dress Code

Formal Attire Requirement

The couple enforced a strict dress code and color palette. Men had to wear tuxedos, women had to wear dresses, and everyone was required to wear black. No exceptions were made, not even for an aunt in mourning or a future sister-in-law with body dysmorphia who preferred slacks for comfort.

Weight Maintenance for Bridesmaids

The bridesmaids were instructed to maintain their weight, whether it meant eating more or less, as the bridesmaid outfits were ordered months in advance.

Backlash and Cancellations

Family and Friends’ Reactions

The bride’s mother was furious about the regulations and told her daughter that the wedding was doomed from the start. Bridesmaids threatened to back out, and numerous guests canceled at the last minute.

Flower Girl Dilemma

The maid of honor’s daughter was supposed to be the flower girl, but due to the wedding location being four hours away, the maid of honor planned to leave her child with her mother instead of complying with the bride’s request to have the flower girl stay at a hotel with a babysitter during the ceremony.

Public Outcry

Reddit’s Response

Despite the bride’s introduction and explanation, Reddit users overwhelmingly believed that she and her fiancé were acting irrationally. Many pointed out that while couples can dictate their wedding’s conduct, guests have the right to reject such proposals and not follow their guidelines.

Lessons Learned

Respecting Boundaries

This situation highlights the importance of balancing personal preferences with guests’ comfort. Overly strict rules can lead to backlash and ruin the joyous atmosphere of a wedding.

Communicating Expectations

Clear communication and flexibility can prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone enjoys the event. While a wedding is a special day for the couple, accommodating guests’ needs and comfort can make the celebration more memorable.

Finding Common Ground

While a couple has the right to decide how their wedding is conducted, it is crucial to consider the guests’ comfort and boundaries. Extreme demands can lead to unintended consequences, as seen in this story. Striking a balance between personal preferences and guests’ enjoyment can create a harmonious and joyous wedding celebration. What would you have done in this bride’s situation?

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