Man Mocks Wife for Gaining Weight after Giving Birth, Finds Her Diary after She’s Hospitalized

In a story that underscores the importance of compassion and understanding in relationships, a husband learns a hard lesson about love and respect after his wife is hospitalized. This tale of realization and redemption serves as a poignant reminder of what truly matters in a marriage.

For as long as Lisa Thompson could remember, she had managed to juggle work and housework like a pro. She worked as an accountant in one of Santa Clara, California’s most renowned firms, and despite her hectic 9 to 5 schedule, no one could tell Lisa’s house had suffered as a result.

Chad, her husband, had been equally supportive, frequently lending a helping hand with housework. Their marriage was filled with love and mutual respect.

Chad and Lisa were happily married for three years, and after several years of trying for a baby, Lisa’s pregnancy test finally showed two lines. The couple was over the moon!

After the delivery, Lisa chose to take a break from work to spend time with her babies. She embraced her new role as a housewife, seeing it as an opportunity to bond with her children.

Despite Lisa’s enthusiasm, Chad began to label her time at home as “laziness.” He mocked her for gaining weight after pregnancy and pressured her to lose the extra pounds.

“All you do is sit on that couch and chill, Lisa. At least start working out! Just look at how much weight you’ve gained after pregnancy! Losing a few pounds isn’t going to harm you!” he’d often mock her.

Lisa felt unappreciated and depressed by Chad’s remarks. She noticed he didn’t seem to appreciate or help her with anything, and if she suggested spending time together, he avoided the question.

“Honey, I understand you’ve been preoccupied with work lately, but we agreed not to keep anything from each other,” she remarked gently. “I’ve noticed that something’s bothering you recently.”

Chad shrugged off her concerns and lashed out, accusing her of not taking care of herself and even suggesting she might be cheating on him. “Are you doing all of this on purpose so I would leave you? Are you seeing someone else behind my back?”

One day, Lisa fainted and was rushed to the hospital. The doctors informed Chad that Lisa was stressed and weak, which was why she collapsed.

As Chad was tidying up their room, he stumbled upon Lisa’s personal diary. Initially hesitant, curiosity got the better of him, and he began to read.

In the diary, Lisa had jotted down everything she had done for their twins and how happy she felt. But one page, in particular, drew his attention and the smile on his face vanished.

Chad read about Lisa’s efforts to lose weight and how she felt unloved and unappreciated. She had been trying yoga, meditation, and even a gym program with extreme diets to surprise him on their wedding anniversary.

Chad couldn’t help but feel guilty. “Was I so blinded that I didn’t even notice she was trying? And why the hell did you have to mock her, Chad? She’s your wife, the Lisa you loved with all your heart!”

When Chad visited Lisa in the hospital the next day, he surprised her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and a card that read, “Get well soon, honey! The kids and I miss you! Home doesn’t feel like home without you.”

“You don’t need to say anything, Lisa. I was mean to you and said things I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry! You are beautiful the way you are, and whatever I said about your looks was just nonsense! I am a jerk for saying all of that!” he added, hugging her.

When Lisa got discharged and returned home, Chad surprised her with a candlelight dinner date. The whole room was beautifully decorated, and a romantic song was playing in the background.

Later, he got down on his knees and asked, “So, Mrs. Lisa Thompson, would you like to dance with me?” Lisa nodded, and they kissed passionately as they held each other tightly.

From that day on, Chad became a different man. He helped Lisa in everything, took her out to movies on weekends, and always told her, “I love you for who you are, honey.”

Lisa still goes to the gym, but she is no longer on fad diets to reduce weight quickly. Instead, she is concentrating on getting healthier.

This story is a testament to the importance of accepting people for who they are and not judging them by their appearance. Chad’s journey from mocking his wife to realizing her efforts and supporting her is a powerful reminder of the true meaning of love and partnership.

Let this tale inspire us to appreciate and support our loved ones, recognizing their efforts and valuing their presence in our lives. True beauty lies in the heart, and understanding this can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships.

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