Don’t Toss Those Eggshells! Here’s Why You Should Keep Them.

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Are you someone who goes through a lot of eggs at home? If so, you’re not alone. Eggs are not only delicious and packed with protein, but their shells have some incredible benefits too. Instead of tossing those shells in the trash, here are seven compelling reasons to keep them around.

1. Natural Pest Deterrent
Are slugs, worms, and snails wreaking havoc on your beautiful flowers? Don’t stress! Just sprinkle some crushed eggshells around your plants and watch the magic happen. These pests can’t stand the texture of eggshells, so they’ll think twice before invading your garden.

2. Repels Deer
Living near a forest can mean deer munching on your plants. But there’s a simple solution! Spread eggshells around your plants to keep the deer at bay. Deer are put off by the smell of eggshells. Give it a try, and say goodbye to unwanted plant nibblers.

3. Bird Feed
Having birds visit your garden is always a treat. Not only do they fill the air with their songs, but they also help control pests. And guess what? Birds love eggshells! Sprinkle some in your garden and watch as your feathered friends flock to enjoy their favorite snack.

4. Boost Your Soil’s Health
Eggshells are packed with calcium and other nutrients that can do wonders for your soil. By adding crushed eggshells to your garden, you can enhance the overall health of your soil and give your plants the essential nutrients they need to thrive.

5. Keep Your Veggies Healthy
Certain vegetables, like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers, can suffer from blossom end rot due to a lack of calcium. To prevent this, bury crushed eggshells in the soil near your vegetable plants. This simple step will help keep your veggies healthy, vibrant, and delicious.

6. Achieve Balanced Soil
Are your favorite plants struggling because your soil is too acidic? Don’t worry! Eggshells can help with that. By burying them in the soil around your plants, you can balance the pH levels and create a more favorable environment for them to grow.

7. Composting Made Easy
Instead of throwing away eggshells, why not add them to your compost? Crushed eggshells are a fantastic addition to any compost pile or bin. Composting them not only enriches your garden but also helps reduce waste.

So, the next time you crack open an egg, think twice before tossing the shells. Keeping them can make your gardening efforts more sustainable and your lifestyle a little more eco-friendly.

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