Cheating Husband Asks for Divorce in a Letter – Reads His Wife’s Reply And Regrets It All

Some stories stick with you, making you laugh while also teaching a valuable lesson. This is one of those tales, filled with drama, revenge, and an unexpected twist. It’s the perfect example of how things can backfire when you least expect it. What begins as a husband’s request for a divorce quickly turns into a story of sweet revenge when his wife’s response completely blindsides him.

The story starts with a man who decides he’s had enough of his marriage and sends his wife a letter to inform her that he’s leaving. However, his wife’s sharp and witty reply is what truly takes center stage.

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Husband’s Letter:

Dear Wife,

I’m writing this letter to let you know that I’m leaving you for good. We’ve been married for seven years, and I’ve done everything I can to be a good husband to you. Yet, I feel like I’ve gotten nothing in return.

These last few weeks have been unbearable, and today I reached my breaking point when your boss told me you quit your job. That was the final straw.

Last week, I went out of my way to do something nice for you. I cooked your favorite dish, got a fresh haircut, and even bought myself a new pair of silk boxers. But when you came home from work, you didn’t notice any of it. You barely ate the meal I prepared, sat down to watch your soaps, and went straight to bed without acknowledging me.

At this point, I’m convinced that you no longer love me. You’ve shown no interest in being intimate, and you don’t care about me as your husband anymore. Maybe you’re cheating, maybe you’re just over it, but either way, I’m done. This marriage is over.

Your Ex-Husband

P.S. Don’t bother trying to find me. Your sister and I are moving to West Virginia together. I hope you have a great life!

Wife’s Response:

Dear Ex-Husband,

Believe it or not, your letter actually made my day! Yes, we’ve been married for seven years, but let’s get one thing straight—you’re far from the “good husband” you claim to be.

I watch TV and dive into my soaps because they help drown out your constant whining and complaining. You act as if you’re a saint, but your negativity is unbearable.

I noticed your new haircut, but I didn’t say anything because I was taught to keep quiet if I couldn’t say something nice. Honestly, you looked like a girl, so I figured it was better to stay silent.

When you cooked what you thought was my favorite dish, you clearly forgot that I stopped eating pork seven years ago. You actually made my sister’s favorite meal, not mine.

And those silk boxers? I didn’t comment because you left the $49.99 price tag on them. On top of that, my sister borrowed $50 from me that same day, so I couldn’t help but notice the coincidence.

Despite all of this, I still cared about you and hoped we could make things work. That’s why I was over the moon when I won $10 million in the lottery. I quit my job and bought us two tickets to Jamaica to celebrate our new life. But when I got home, you were already gone.

I guess everything happens for a reason. I hope you and my sister find the happiness you’re looking for in West Virginia. And by the way, my lawyer has informed me that, thanks to your letter, you won’t get a single dime from my lottery winnings.

Take care,
Your Ex-Wife, Rich and Free!

The Lesson? Be Careful What You Wish For

This husband thought he was taking control of the situation, but little did he know his wife had already moved on to bigger and better things—literally. Her calm and witty response not only served as the perfect comeback but also left him with nothing. Talk about getting the last laugh!

Stories like this remind us that life has a way of working things out, often in ways we least expect. Sometimes, what looks like a defeat can turn into a surprising victory. In this case, the wife walked away richer and stronger, while the husband was left regretting everything.

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