My Boyfriend Demanded That I Give Him My Card to Pay Our Restaurant Bill

It was meant to be a night of pure celebration. After six months at my new job, I had finally earned a significant promotion and was eager to share the joy with Troy, my boyfriend. But what was supposed to be a memorable evening turned into a night I’ll never forget for all the wrong reasons.

A Night Out to Celebrate

Troy suggested the new upscale restaurant in town, famous for its ambiance and gourmet menu. “Let’s just get dressed and go out, Lisa,” he said. “We don’t do this very often, so let’s make the most of it.” I had to agree; we rarely indulged in such outings.

Tensions Beneath the Surface

While I was happy in my job, Troy wasn’t. “I do so much, but nobody bothers to recognize me,” he often complained. His frustration with work had become a constant cloud over our relationship, and I hesitated to share my successes with him, fearing it might make things worse.

An Exciting Evening Begins

When I told him about my promotion, Troy seemed genuinely excited and proud. He arrived at my apartment with a bouquet of flowers and waited patiently as I got ready. The evening started beautifully, and I hoped it would mark a turning point in our relationship.

@chloandmatt When he wants me to pay the bill 💸 #viral #viralvideo #fyp #foryou #relateable #boyfriend #relationship #couple @officialmjcmatthew ♬ Captain (whistle) – Nutcase22

A Romantic Dinner

The soft lighting and stunning view of the city skyline from our table set a romantic backdrop. We toasted to my success, with Troy raising his glass of champagne high. “To the most amazing woman I know,” he cheered. “And to many more successes to come.”

The Cracks Begin to Show

Everything went smoothly until the waitress brought our food. Troy kept glancing at her, winking twice. I tried to ignore it, but it was hard to overlook. As we neared the end of our meal, the check arrived, and that’s when things took a turn.

The Demand for My Card

“You should let me pay with your card,” Troy said insistently. I was taken aback. It was my celebration, and I didn’t mind paying, but his demand felt wrong. “Why can’t you use your own card?” I asked.

Troy’s Irrational Logic

“Clearly because you’re the one who got promoted, and I don’t have enough money for these fancy dinners, Lisa! You know that, and yet you act like you don’t.” His irritation was barely concealed. “I’ll just pay with my card,” I said, trying to keep the peace.

An Embarrassing Situation

Troy’s face hardened. “It’s embarrassing, Lisa,” he said. “It’s like you’re trying to humiliate me by not letting me be the man who pays.” I felt cornered and drained. To avoid a scene, I handed over my card.

A Plan Forms

Feeling uneasy, I excused myself to the restroom and blocked my card using my banking app. When I returned, I saw Troy flirting openly with the waitress, giving her his number. My indignation surged.

The Card Decline

The waitress returned, saying, “I’m sorry, but there seems to be a problem. Your card was declined.” Troy stammered, his confidence crumbling. “Surely that can’t be right.”

Turning the Tables

Feigning concern, I suggested Troy call the bank. He hesitated, lost for a response. The waitress waited, understanding dawning on her face. “I can answer that,” I said. “A lavender-scented candle, some skincare products, and a new book. And Sir, the name on the card is Lisa Simmons.”

Paying the Bill Myself

I pulled out another card and paid the bill. “Lucky I have two cards,” I said. “But babe, since you enjoyed the service, you can get the tip.” Troy, red-faced, scrambled through his wallet, finding only expired coupons and small bills.

Leaving the Restaurant

“Hey, I didn’t take his number,” the waitress said, smirking. “I just threw the napkin away.” I stood up, waiting for Troy to say something—anything—but he sat there tight-lipped. “I’ll find my own way home,” I told him as I walked out into the night.

A Realization

As I walked outside, I didn’t know if I had made a mistake. But at the end of the day, no relationship should make a person second guess themselves or make them feel like celebrating their achievements is wrong. Which is something that Troy did all the time. I think I’m finally done with him.

What would you do? If you enjoyed this story, here’s another one: When Kyra discovers, by accident, that her boyfriend, Henry, has been cheating on her, she goes completely numb. Until he sends her an invoice for everything that he had ever spent on her. Fueled by her anger, Kyra fights back, exposing Henry for who he is and asking for her monetary rewards in return

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