Shelter rescues neglected dog covered in three pounds of matted fur — he looks completely different after makeover

Many stray and neglected dogs suffer from ungroomed, matted fur, causing them significant distress. A simple haircut can make a world of difference, as evidenced by the recent transformation of a severely neglected dog named Matt.

On July 16, the South Plains SPCA shared a shocking post about “the worst case of dog neglect we have ever encountered.” A 6-year-old dog, later named Matt, was found covered in extremely matted, thick fur and in poor health.

“The dog has rotten skin spots, hair matted to the skin so bad it is in grown into the skin, the nails are 2 inches long,” the SPCA reported. This dog had been suffering for years, overlooked by many.

“His hair growth was about five years of matting,” said Kim Moyers, president of the South Plains SPCA. “It’s just awful that he was probably seen in different places and overlooked. I don’t see how he hasn’t been seen roaming in the condition he was. I’ve never seen anything like him. It was shocking.”

Despite the terrible condition they found him in, the South Plains SPCA resolved to fix him up and give him a second chance. They took him in and named him Matt, after his matted fur.

Matt reportedly yelped with pain every time they tried to cut his hair, so they had to sedate him. They cut through a collar and leash that was embedded in his fur, and shaved off a whopping three pounds of matted hair — the result of five years of neglect.

“There were thousands of goathead stickers, sticks, grass, and even beetles matted in his fur. He has severe bruises on his body from his fur being tight on his skin,” the SPCA wrote.

Matt was found to be anemic and was placed on medication. Fortunately, he was heartworm negative and free of tick disease, as ticks couldn’t penetrate his thick fur.

Matt still has a lengthy road of recovery ahead and will need dental work once his blood work indicates that it’s safe. However, the removal of his matted fur has already made a huge difference in his life.

After the grooming session, Matt looked like a completely different dog. “After we had one of our professional groomers — who’s also an SPCA foster — groom him, he looked amazing,” said Houston, a member of the SPCA. “He is the most gorgeous-looking dog I’ve ever seen. He’s just drop-dead gorgeous.”

The SPCA reported that Matt was a “sweet boy” after waking up from his grooming session. He’s now experiencing a happy, normal life for the first time in years.

“He went for his very first walk without his bulk of hair in probably five years,” Houston told KLBK. “His little bottom was just going back and forth, his tail was wagging and he was so happy.”

Matt is currently being fostered by Tori Houston and will be placed up for adoption once he has fully recovered.

It’s heartbreaking to think about the years of neglect Matt endured, suffering with all that matted fur. However, his story is now one of hope and transformation.

This incredible transformation is a testament to the power of compassion and the difference it can make in an animal’s life. Please share Matt’s story to inspire others to help animals in need.

Matt’s stunning transformation is a powerful reminder of the impact that a little care and compassion can have. His journey from neglect to joy shows that every animal deserves a chance at a happy life.

Let Matt’s story inspire you to look beyond appearances and see the potential for greatness in every living being. Share this heartwarming tale to spread the message of love and care for all animals.

Please share this incredible story! ❤️🐾

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