They Tore Mom Down When Writing Her Obituary

When a loved one passes away, it’s often up to the family to write an obituary, a heartfelt tribute that captures the essence of the person who has passed. These obituaries are usually filled with warm memories and sentiments, a way for the family to honor their loved one’s life. However, not every family chooses to paint a purely flattering picture in these final words. Some prefer to be brutally honest.

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Obituaries are typically public, published in newspapers and shared online, reaching an audience that can range from a few dozen to several hundred people. In some cases, these writings reveal the true dynamics of a family, even when they weren’t always harmonious.

One such example is the obituary of Kathleen Dehmlow, penned by her two adult children. They took the opportunity to share their thoughts about their late mother, and in doing so, gave the entire town access to a story that was far from the usual tribute.

At first glance, the obituary seemed typical, but as readers delved deeper, it became clear that there were deep-seated issues within the family. The closing sentence, in particular, was both shocking and darkly humorous, leaving readers with a strong impression of the family’s true feelings.

The Redwood Falls Gazette, the local newspaper responsible for publishing the obituary, faced significant backlash once it was printed. The uproar was so intense that the obituary was eventually removed from their website. However, by then, the obituary had already spread far and wide, drawing even more attention.

A family member, Dwight, later confirmed the contents of the obituary. He explained that Kathleen had made a mistake six decades ago, but had since expressed remorse. He emphasized that everyone makes mistakes and that it was unfortunate the obituary ended on such a harsh note.

Despite the controversy, the individual who wrote the obituary seemed intent on leaving behind a legacy of bitterness, believing it would cause significant pain to many.

Some people even questioned whether the obituary had actually been printed. The CEO and founder of the newspaper addressed these concerns, noting that there was no legal reason to prevent the publication of the obituary, regardless of its content. He added that their newspaper partners maintain high standards for content and that they had taken the complaints seriously, conducting a thorough review of the obituary.

At this point, you’re probably curious about what exactly was said in the obituary. It’s understandable, and we have it here for you to review.

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