What Are Those Two Indentations In The Lower Back? Few Know It.

What Are Dimples of Venus? The Truth Behind Those Lower Back Indentations

Have you ever noticed small indentations on some people’s lower backs? These are commonly referred to as dimples of Venus, named after the Roman goddess of beauty. Officially called “fossae lumbales lateralis,” these symmetrical indentations sit just above where the pelvis meets the spine.

The dimples form due to a small ligament connecting the skin to the superior iliac spine. Though considered a rare and attractive trait, not everyone has them. Their appearance is believed to be genetic, passed down from family members.

Are Venus Dimples Common?

These dimples are more common in women but can appear on men, where they are called Apollo’s dimples. Although widely regarded as a sign of beauty and sensuality, they remain relatively rare. This rarity only adds to their charm and appeal.

Can You Create Dimples of Venus?

Unfortunately, there is no specific exercise to create these dimples, as the indentations are not related to muscle tone. However, for those who naturally have them, maintaining a healthy weight and engaging in regular exercise can make them more visible and prominent. Many people admire these dimples and may even seek cosmetic procedures to achieve them, but they are primarily determined by genetics.

The Genetic Mystery

While there’s no definitive research on how dimples of Venus are inherited, scientists suggest that they are likely passed down genetically. However, the exact genes responsible have yet to be identified. The beauty of these dimples lies not only in their visual appeal but in the mystery surrounding their origin.

Do you or someone you know have these coveted dimples of Venus? Whether you admire them or are lucky enough to have them, they remain a fascinating and attractive physical trait.

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